The Z86E3016PSG is a single-chip One-time programmable (OTP) 8-bit Microcontroller featuring enhanced wake-up circuitry, programmable watch-dog timers, low noise EMI options and easy hardware/software system expansion capability. Four basic address spaces support a wide range of memory configurations. The designer has access to three additional control registers that allow easy access to register mapped peripheral and I/O circuits. For applications demanding powerful I/O capabilities, the Z86E30 have 24 pins dedicated input and output. These lines are grouped into four ports, eight lines per port and are configurable under software control to provide timing, status signals and parallel I/O with or without handshake and address/data bus for interfacing external memory.
● Software enabled watch-dog timer (WDT)
● Push-pull/open-drain programmable on Port 0, Port 1 and Port 2
● Auto latches
● Auto power-on reset (POR)
● 60mW Low power consumption
● 0.75µs Fast instruction pointer
● Two standby modes - STOP and HALT
● Digital inputs CMOS levels, Schmitt-triggered
● Software programmable low EMI mode
● Two programmable 8-bit counter/timers each with a 6-bit programmable prescaler
● Six vectored, priority interrupts from six different sources
● Two comparators
● On-chip oscillator that accepts a crystal, ceramic resonator, LC, RC or external clock drive