●• USB 3.0 Compliant Hub, TID# 330000037
●– Upstream Port Supports SuperSpeed USB, High-Speed and Full-Speed Connections
●– Supports Four Downstream Ports
●– Each of the Four Downstream Ports Support SuperSpeed USB, High-Speed, Full-Speed or
●Low-Speed Connections
●• USB 2.0 Hub Features
●– Multi Transaction Translator (MTT) Hub: Four Transaction Translators, One Per Port
●– Four Asynchronous Endpoint Buffers Per Transaction Translator (TT) for Better Throughput Than
●the USB Required Minimum of Two Buffers Per TT
●• Supports Battery Charging Applications
●– Battery Charging 1.2 Compliant Charging Downstream Port (CDP) when Upstream Port is
●– Battery Charging 1.2 and Chinese Telecommunications Industry Standard YD/T 1591-2009
●Compliant Dedicated Charging Port (DCP) when Upstream Port is Disconnected
●• Supports Operation as a USB 3.0 or USB 2.0 Compound Device
●• Supports Per Port or Ganged Power Switching and Over-Current Notification Inputs
●• Provides the following status outputs:
●– High-Speed Upstream Connection
●– High-Speed Upstream Port Suspended
●– SuperSpeed USB Upstream Connection
●– SuperSpeed USB Upstream Port Suspended
●• Optional Serial EEPROM or SMBus Slave Interface for Custom Configurations:
●– VID or PID
●– Manufacturer and Product Strings
●– Serial Number
●• Using Pin Selection or EEPROM and SMBus Slave Interface, Each Downstream Port Can Be
●– Enabled or Disabled
●– Marked as Removable or Permanently Attached (for Compound Applications)
●– Have Battery Charging Enabled or Disabled
●• Provides 128-Bit Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
●• Optionally Supports USB 2.0 Compliant Port Indicator LEDs
●• Configurable SMBus Address to Support Multiple Devices on the Same SMBus Segment
●• Supports On-Board and In-System EEPROM Programming Via the USB 2.0 Upstream Port
●• Single Clock Input, 24-MHz Crystal or Oscillator
●• Computer Systems
●• Docking Stations
●• Monitors
●• Set-top Boxes