The TPS73230DBVT is a 3V fixed output low-dropout (LDO) Linear Regulator uses an NMOS pass element in a voltage-follower configuration. This topology is stable using output capacitors with low equivalent series resistance (ESR) and even allows operation without a capacitor. The device also provides high reverse blockage (low reverse current) and ground pin current that is nearly constant over all values of output current. The device uses an advanced BiCMOS process to yield high precision while delivering very low-dropout (LDO) voltages and low ground pin current. Current consumption, when not enabled, is less than 1µA. The extremely low output noise is ideal for powering VCOs. This device is protected by thermal shutdown and foldback current limit.
● Stable with no output capacitor or any value or type of capacitor
● 40mV at 250mA Ultralow dropout voltage
● Excellent load transient response - with or without optional output capacitor
● NMOS topology provides low reverse leakage current
● 30µVrms Low noise (10kHz to 100kHz)
● 0.5% Initial accuracy
● 1% Overall accuracy (line, load and temperature)
● <1µA Quiescent current (IQ) in shutdown mode
● Thermal shutdown and specified minimum and maximum current limit protection
● Green product and no Sb/Br