The SN75472P is a dual high-voltage high-current Peripheral Driver functionally interchangeable with series SN75451B and series SN75461 peripheral drivers, but are designed for use in systems that require higher breakdown voltages than either of those series can provide at the expense of slightly slower switching speeds than series 75451B (limits are the same as series SN75461). Typical applications include high-speed logic buffers, power drivers, relay drivers, lamp drivers, MOS drivers, line drivers and memory drivers. The SN75472 is dual peripheral AND, NAND or and NOR driver, respectively, (assuming positive logic), with the output of the logic gates internally connected to the bases of the NPN output transistors.
● High-voltage outputs
● Medium-speed switching
● Circuit flexibility for varied applications and choice of logic function
● TTL-compatible diode-clamped inputs
● Standard supply voltage
● Plastic DIP (P) with copper lead frame for cooler operation and improved reliability