●The SN55115 and SN75115 dual differential line receivers are designed to sense small differential signals in the presence of large common-mode noise. These devices give TTL-compatible output
●signals as a function of the differential input voltage. The open-collector output configuration permits the wire-ANDing of similar TTL outputs (such as SN5401/SN7401) or other SN55115/SN75115 line receivers. This permits a level of logic to be implemented without extra delay.
●Choice of Open-Collector or Active Pullup (Totem-Pole) Outputs
●Single 5-V Supply
●Differential Line Operation
●Dual-Channel Operation
●TTL Compatible
●±15-V Common-Mode Input Voltage Range
●Optional-Use Built-In 130-Ω Line Terminating Resistor
●Individual Frequency-Response Controls
●Individual Channel Strobes
●Designed for Use With SN55113, SN75113, SN55114, and SN75114 Drivers
●Designed to Be Interchangeable With National DS9615 Line Receivers