The CC1101CC1190EMK868 is a 869MHz evaluation module kit based on CC1101 RF transceiver and CC1190 range extender. The CC1101 is a highly integrated and flexible RF transceiver. It is primarily designed for use in low power applications in the 315MHz, 433MHz, 868MHz and 915MHz ISM bands. The CC1190 is a range extender for 850MHz to 950MHz RF transceivers, transmitters, and system on chip devices. It increases the link budget by providing a power amplifier (PA) for increased output power, and a low noise amplifier (LNA) with low noise figure for improved receiver sensitivity in addition to switches and RF matching for simple design of high performance wireless systems. The output power can be increased to around +18dBm while meeting modulation bandwidth requirements in the 869MHz band and sensitivity will be improved by up to 6dB compared with the CC1101 standalone evaluation module. These modules can be used together with a SmartRF04 evaluation board and the SmartRF Studio PC tool.
● Reduced battery current
● High sensitivity
● Automatic frequency compensation (AFC)
● Flexible support for packet oriented systems
● Low power
● Improved range using CC1190
● Up to 27dBm (0.5W) output power
● Digital control of LNA and PA gain by HGM pin
● Low receive current consumption
● Few external components
●ESD sensitive device, take proper precaution while handling the device.
●Disconnect any attached battery when using USB power, otherwise the battery will be drained.