The NLSX3018 is a 8 bit configurable dual supply bidirectional level translator without a direction control pin. The I/O VCC- and I/O VL- ports are designed to track two different power supply rails, VCC and VL respectively. The VCC supply rail is configurable from 1.3 V to 4.5 V while the VL supply rail is configurable from 0.9 V to (VCC - 0.4) V. This allows lower voltage logic signals on the VL side to be translated into higher voltage logic signals on the VCC side, and vice versa. Both I/O ports are auto sensing not requiring a direction pin.
●Features | | Benefits
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● Wide Operating Range 1.3V to 4.5V
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● Allows interfacing to multiple voltage systems
● High-Speed with 100 Mb/s Guaranteed Data Rate for VL > 1.6V
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● Minimizes system delays
● Overvoltage Toerant Enable and I/O Pins
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● Prevents device destruction frm 0 to 4.5V
● Small Packaging: 4.0 mm x 2.0 mm UQFN20
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● Physical space savings over alternate solutions