The LF356M is a first monolithic JFET input Operational Amplifier to incorporate well matched, high voltage JFETs on the same chip with standard bipolar transistors (BI-FET Technology). This amplifier features low input bias and offset currents/low offset voltage and offset voltage drift, coupled with offset adjust which does not degrade drift or common-mode rejection. The LF356 amplifier is also designed for high slew rate, wide bandwidth, extremely fast settling time, low voltage and current noise and a low 1/f noise corner.
● Replace expensive hybrid and module FET op-amps
● Rugged JFETs allow blow-out free handling compared with MOSFET input devices
● Offset adjust does not degrade drift or common-mode rejection as in most monolithic amplifiers
● New output stage allows use of large capacitive loads (5000pF) without stability problems
● Internal compensation and large differential input voltage capability
● Military rated
●This device has limited built-in ESD protection, leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.