The L6390D is a full featured High Voltage Device manufactured with the BCD™ offline technology. It is a single-chip half-bridge gate driver for N-channel power MOSFETs or IGBTs. The high-side (floating) section is able to work with voltage rail up to 600V. Both device outputs can sink and source 430 and 290mA respectively. Prevention from cross conduction is ensured by interlocking and programmable dead-time functions. The device has dedicated input pins for each output and a shutdown pin. The logic inputs are CMOS/TTL compatible down to 3.3V for easy interfacing with control devices. Matched delays between low-side and high-side sections guarantee no cycle distortion and allow high frequency operation. The L6390 embeds an operational amplifier suitable for advanced current sensing in applications such as field oriented motor control or for sensorless BEMF detection.
● CMOS/TTL inputs with hysteresis
● Integrated bootstrap diode
● Operational amplifier for advanced current sensing
● Comparator for fast fault protection
● Smart shutdown function
● Interlocking function
● Compact and simplified layout
● Bill of material reduction
● dV/dt immunity of ±50V/ns in full temperature range
● 75/35ns Rise/fall with 1nF load switching time