●L4979D and L4979MD are low dropout linear regulators with microprocessor control functions such as low voltage reset, watchdog, on/off control. Typical quiescent current is 100 µA in very low output current mode and enabled regulator. The devices drop to 6 µA with not enabled regulators.
●On chip trimming results in high output voltage accuracy (2%). Accuracy is kept over wide temperature range, line and load variation.
●The maximum input voltage is 40 V. The max output current is internally limited. Internal temperature protection disables the voltage regulator output.
●■ Operating DC supply voltage range 5.6 V to 31 V
●■ Low quiescent current (6 µA typ. @ 25 °C with enable low)
●■ High precision output voltage (2%)
●■ Low dropout voltage less than 0.5 V
●■ Reset circuit sensing the output voltage down to 1 V
●■ Programmable reset pulse delay with external capacitor
●■ Watchdog
●■ Programmable watchdog timer with external capacitor
●■ Thermal shutdown and short circuit protection
●■ Automotive temperature range (Tj = -40 °C to 150 °C)
●■ Enable input for enabling/disabling the voltage regulator output