●1.Compact with high contact rating
●Even with small 10 mm .394 inch (H) x 11 mm .433 inch(W) x 20 mm .787 inch(L) (dimensions, high capacity switching is provided:1a, 8 A 250 V AC;2a and 1a1b, 5 A 250 V AC.
●2.High switching capability
●High contact pressure, low contact bounce, and wiping operation improve resistance to weld bonding.Resistant against lamp load and dielectric loading:1a achieves maximum switching capacity of 2,000 VA (8A 250 V AC).
●3.High sensitivity
●Using the same type of high performance polar magnetic circuits as DS relays, by matching the spring load to the magnetic force of attraction, greater sensitivity has been achieved. The resultant pick up sensitivity of about 190 mW makes possible direct driving of transistors and chips.
●4.High breakdown voltage
●Breakdown voltage has been raised by keeping the coil and contacts separate.