The CD74HCT640E is a silicon-gate CMOS 3-state bidirectional inverting Bus Transceiver intended for 2-way asynchronous communication between data buses. It has high drive current outputs which enable high-speed operation when driving large bus capacitances. The circuit possesses the low power dissipation of CMOS circuits and have speeds comparable to low power Schottky TTL circuits. It can drive 15 LSTTL loads. The direction of data flow is controlled by the DIR input. Outputs are enabled by a low on the output enable input (OE\\), a high OE\ puts this device in the high impedance mode.
● Buffered inputs
● Used in multiple-data-bus architecture
● Balanced propagation delay and transition times
● Significant power reduction compared to LSTTL Logic ICs
● Direct LSTTL input logic compatibility, VIL = 0.8V maximum, VIH = 2V minimum
● CMOS input compatibility, Il
● Standard outputs - 10 LSTTL loads
● Bus driver outputs - 15 LSTTL loads
● Green product and no Sb/Br