●The ADG839 isa low voltage CMOS device containing a single pole, double-throw(SPDT) switch. This device offers ultralow onresistanceoflessthan0.6 Ω over the fulltemperature range. The ADG839 isfully specified for 1.8 V,2.5 V,and 3.3 V supply operation.
●1.65 Vto 3.6 V operation
●Ultralow on resistance:
● 0.35 Ω typical
● 0.5 Ω max at2.7 V supply
●Excellent audio performance, ultralow distortion:
● 0.055 Ω typical
● 0.09 Ω max RONflatness
●High current carrying capability:
● 300 mAcontinuous
● 500 mApeak current at 3.3 V
●Automotive temperature range: –40°Cto +125°C
●Rail-to-rail switching operation
●Typical power consumption (<0.1 µW)
●Cellular phones
●MP3 players
●Power routing
●Battery-powered systems
●PCMCIA cards
●Audioand videosignal routing
●Communication systems