The AD9777BSVZ is a 16-bit interpolating dual Digital-to-analog Converter features a serial port interface (SPI) that provides a high level of programmability, thus allowing for enhanced system level options. The independent channel gain and offset adjust registers allow the user to calibrate LO feed-through and sideband suppression errors associated with analog quadrature modulators. The 6dB of gain adjustment range can also be used to control the output power level of DAC. The AD9777 features the ability to perform fS/2, fS/4 and fS/8 digital modulation and image rejection when combined with an analog quadrature modulator. In this mode, the AD9777 accepts I and Q complex data, generates a quadrature modulated IF signal along with its orthogonal representation via its dual DAC and presents these two reconstructed orthogonal IF carriers to an analog quadrature modulator to complete the image rejection up conversion process.
● Programmable channel gain and offset adjustment
● Direct IF transmission mode for 70MHz + Ifs
● Enables image rejection architecture
● Fully compatible SPI® port
● Excellent AC performance
● Internal PLL clock multiplier
● Selectable internal clock divider
● Versatile clock input
● Differential/single-ended sine wave or TTL/CMOS/LVPECL compatible
● Versatile input data interface
● Twos complement/straight binary data coding
● Dual-port or single-port interleaved input data
● On-chip 1.2V reference