The AD8016ARBZ is a low power high output current Line Driver designed for the interface in digital subscriber line xDSL systems. The driver is capable, in full-bias operation of providing 24.4dBm output power into low resistance loads, enough to power a 20.4dBm line, including hybrid insertion loss. Operating from ±12V supplies, the AD8016 requires only 1.5W of total power dissipation while driving 20.4dBm of power-downstream using the xDSL hybrid. Two digital bits (PWDN0, PWDN1) allow the driver to be capable of full performance, an output keep-alive state or two intermediate bias states. The keep-alive state biases the output transistors enough to provide low impedance at the amplifier outputs for back termination. It features low power dissipation, high output current, high output voltage swing and flexible power-down.
● Full ADSL central office performance on ±12 V supplies
● Power reduced keep alive current of 4.5mA/amp
● High output voltage and current drive IOUT - 600mA
● Low single-tone distortion
● High speed - 1000V/µs slew rate