●The AD5627R/AD5647R/AD5667R, AD5627/AD5667 members of the nanoDAC family are low power, dual, 12-, 14-, 16-bit buffered voltage-out DACs with/without on-chip reference. All devices operate from a single 2.7 V to 5.5 V supply, are guaranteed monotonic by design, and have an I2C compatible serial interface.
●Low power, smallest pin-compatible, dual nanoDACs
● 12-/14-/16-bit
● On-chip 1.25 V/2.5 V, 5 ppm/°C reference
● 12-/16-bit
●External reference only
●3 mm x 3 mm LFCSP and 10-lead MSOP
●2.7 V to 5.5 V power supply
●Guaranteed monotonic by design
●Power-on reset to zero scale
●Per channel power-down
●Hardware LDAC and CLR functions
●I2C-compatible serial interface supports standard (100 kHz),
● fast (400 kHz), and high speed (3.4 MHz) modes
●Process control
●Data acquisition systems
●Portable battery-powered instruments
●Digital gain and offset adjustment
●Programmable voltage and current sources
●Programmable attenuators