The Z84C0010PEG is a CMOS microprocessor for high performance and low power designs in 40 pin DIP package. It is a fourth generation enhanced microprocessor with exceptional computational power. It offers higher system throughput and more efficient memory utilization than second and third generation microprocessors. The internal register contains 208bits of read/write memory that are accessible to programmer. It also contains stack pointer, program counter, two index registers, refresh register (counter) and interrupt register. The CPU is easy to incorporate into a system since it requires only single 5V power supply. All output signals are fully decoded and timed to control standard memory and peripheral circuits.
● Extensive instruction set, contains 158 instructions including 8080A instructions set as a subset
● DC to 10MHz CPU speed
● Linked by vectored interrupt system
● On-chip dynamic memory refresh counter
● External memory of 64KB
● Duplicate set of both general purpose and flag registers
● Two 16bit index registers