The UCD90320 device is a 32-rail PMBus addressable power sequencer and system manager in a compact 0.8-mm pitch BGA package.
●The 24 integrated ADC channels (AMONx) monitor the power supply voltage, current, and temperature. Eighty-four GPIO pins can be used for 8 digital monitor (DMONx), 32 power supply enable (ENx), 24 margining (MARx), 16 Logical GPO, 32 GPI, cascading, and system function.
●The 32 ENx pins and the 16 LGPOx pins can be configured to be active driven or open drain outputs.
●Nonvolatile event logging preserves fault events after power dropout. Black box fault log feature preserves the status for all rails and I/O pins when the first fault occurs. The cascading feature offers convenient ways to manage up to 128 voltage rails through one SYNC_CLK pin connection. Fault pin feature coordinates among cascaded devices to take synchronized fault responses. The pin-selected rail states feature employs up to 3 GPIs to control up to eight user-defined power states. These states can implement system low-power modes as outlined in the (ACPI) specification.