The UCC2818D is a BiCMOS Power Factor Preregulator designed to achieves near unity power factor by shaping the ac input line current waveform to correspond to that of the ac input line voltage. Average current-mode control maintains stable, low distortion sinusoidal line current. It offers new features such as lower start-up current, lower power dissipation, overvoltage protection, a shunt UVLO detect circuitry, a leading-edge modulation technique to reduce ripple current in the bulk capacitor and an improved, low-offset (±2mV) current amplifier to reduce distortion at light load conditions. Also offers an on-chip shunt regulator with low start-up current.
● Controls boost preregulator to near-unity power factor
● Limits line distortion
● World-wide line operation
● Over-voltage protection
● Accurate power limiting
● Average current mode control
● Improved noise immunity
● Improved feed-forward line regulation
● Leading edge modulation
● 150µA Typical start-up current
● Green product and no Sb/Br
●Device has limited built-in ESD protection, leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.