●The UC1526A Series are improved-performance pulse-width modulator circuits intended for direct replacement of equivalent non- “A” versions in all applications. Higher frequency operation has been enhanced by several significant improvements including: a more accurate oscillator with less minimum dead time, reduced circuit delays (particularly in current limiting), and an improved output stage with negligible cross-conduction current. Additional improvements include the incorporation of a precision, band-gap reference gener ator, reduced overall supply current, and the addition of thermal shutdown protection.
●• Reduced Supply Current
●• Oscillator Frequency to 600kHz
●• Precision Band-Gap Reference
●• 7 to 35V Operation
●• Dual 200mA Source/Sink Outputs
●• Minimum Output Cross-Conduction
●• Double-Pulse Suppression Logic
●• Under-Voltage Lockout
●• Programmable Soft-Start
●• Thermal Shutdown
●• TTL/CMOS Compatible Logic Ports
●• 5 Volt Operation (VIN= VC= VREF= 5.0V)