●The TLE202x, TLE202xA, and TLE202xB devices are precision, high-speed, low-power operational amplifiers using a new Texas Instruments Excalibur process. These devices combine the best features of the OP21 with highly improved slew rate and unity-gain bandwidth. The complementary bipolar Excalibur process utilizes isolated vertical pnp transistors that yield dramatic improvement in unity-gain bandwidth and slew rate over similar devices.
●Supply Current . . . 300 µA Max
●High Unity-Gain Bandwidth . . . 2 MHz Typ
●High Slew Rate . . . 0.45 V/µs Min
●Supply-Current Change Over Military Temp Range . . . 10 µA Typ at VCC ± = ± 15 V
●Specified for Both 5-V Single-Supply and ±15-V Operation
●Phase-Reversal Protection
●High Open-Loop Gain . . . 6.5 V/µV (136 dB) Typ
●Low Offset Voltage . . . 100 µV Max
●Offset Voltage Drift With Time 0.005 µV/mo Typ
●Low Input Bias Current . . . 50 nA Max
●Low Noise Voltage . . . 19 nV/√Hz Typ