The TLC7135CDW is a 4-1/2-digit dual-slope-integrating Analog-to-digital Converter (ADC) designed to provide interfaces to both a microprocessor and a visual display. The digit-drive outputs D1 through D4 and multiplexed binary-coded-decimal outputs B1/B2/B4/B8 provide an interface for LED or LCD decoder/drivers as well as microprocessors. It offers 50ppm resolution with a maximum linearity error of one count. The zero error is less than 10µV and zero drift is less than 0.5µV/°C. Source-impedance errors are minimized by low input current. Rollover error is limited to ±l;1 count. The BUSY, STROBE\, RUN/HOLD\, OVER RANGE and UNDER RANGE control signals support microprocessor-based measurement systems. The control signals also can support remote data acquisition systems with data transfer through universal asynchronous receiver transmitters (UARTs).
● Zero reading for 0V input
● Precision null detection with true polarity at zero
● True differential input
● Multiplexed binary-coded-decimal output
● Control signals allow interfacing with UARTs or microprocessors
● Auto ranging capability with over and under-range signals
● TTL-compatible outputs
● Green product and no Sb/Br