The TLC6C598QPWRQ1 is a 8-bit Shift Register LED Driver designed for use in systems that require relatively moderate load power, such as LEDs. This device contains an 8-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register that feeds an 8-bit D-type storage register. Data transfers through both the shift and storage registers on the rising edge of the shift-register clock (SRCK) and the register clock (RCK), respectively. The storage register transfers data to the output buffer when shift register clear (CLR\\) is high. A low on CLR\ clears all registers in the device. Holding the output enable (G\\) high, holds all data in the output buffers low and all drain outputs are off. Holding Glow makes data from the storage register transparent to the output buffers. When data in the output buffers is low, the DMOS transistor outputs are off. When data is high, the DMOS transistor outputs have sink-current capability.
● Eight power DMOS transistor outputs of 50mA continuous current with VCC = 5V
● Thermal shutdown protection
● Enhanced cascading for multiple stages
● All registers cleared with single input
● Low power consumption
● Slow switching time (tr and tf), which helps significantly with reducing EMI
● Green product and no Sb/Br