The TL331IDBVR is a single Voltage Comparator, designed to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages. Operation from dual supplies also is possible if the difference between the two supplies is 2 to 36V and VCC is at least 1.5V more positive than the input common-mode voltage. Current drain is independent of the supply voltage. The output can be connected to other open-collector outputs to achieve wired-AND relationships.
● Single Supply
● 0.4mA Typical Low Supply-current Drain Independent of Supply Voltage
● 25nA Typical Low Input Bias Current
● 2mV Typical Low Input Offset Voltage
● Common-mode Input Voltage Range Includes Ground
● Differential Input Voltage Range Equal to Maximum-rated Supply Voltage, ±36V
● Low Output Saturation Voltage
● Output Compatible With TTL, MOS and CMOS
● Green Product, No Sb/Br
●Device has limited built-in ESD protection, leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.