●These JFET-input operational amplifiers incorporate well-matched high-voltage JFET and bipolar transistors in a monolithic integrated circuit. They feature low input offset voltage, high slew rate, low input bias and offset currents, and low temperature coefficient of input offset voltage. Offset-voltage adjustment is provided for the TL087 and TL088.
●The C-suffix devices are characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C, and the I-suffix devices are characterized for operation from –40°C to 85°C. The M-suffix devices are characterized for operation over the full military temperature range of –55°C to 125°C.
●•Low Input Offset Voltage . . . 0.5 mV Max
●•Low Power Consumption
●•Wide Common-Mode and Differential Voltage Ranges
●•Low Input Bias and Offset Currents
●•High Input Impedance . . . JFET-Input Stage
●•Internal Frequency Compensation
●•Latch-Up-Free Operation
●•High Slew Rate . . . 18 V/µs Typ
●•Low Total Harmonic Distortion 0.003% Typ