Number of Bits | 32 Bit |
Core Architecture | PIC |
Core Sub-Architecture | PIC32 |
TCHIP011 is a Fubarino Mini small microcontroller board that uses a powerful PIC32 microcontroller. It is chipKITTM/MPIDE compatible and can run the same sketches that run on an Arduino. It is designed to have all I/O pins on either side of the board in a traditional DIP pattern so that it can easily be plugged into a breadboard. It has a USB connector for power, programming, and a connection to a PC.
● PIC32MX250F128D-50I/ML microcontroller, which includes 128KB Flash and 32K RAM
● Supported as development target from within MPIDE
● Max 33 I/O pins (normally 27)
● Pads for 32KHz crystal
● CPU runs at 48MHz
● USB connector for power, programming, and connection to PC
● USB boot loader pre programmed at the factory
● Separate ICSP connector
320 Pages / 5.93 MByte
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7 Pages / 0.88 MByte
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