The TC7109ACPL is a 12-bit µA-compatible Analog-to-digital Converter (ADC) provides a versatile digital interface. In the direct mode, chip select and HIGH/LOW byte enable control parallel bus interface. In the Handshake mode, the TC7109A will operate with industry standard UARTs in controlling serial data transmission - ideal for remote data logging. Control and monitoring of conversion timing is provided by the RUN/HOLD input and Status output. The plus sign, CMOS low power ADC has only eight passive components and a crystal are required to form a complete dual slope integrating ADC. The improved VOH source current and other TC7109A features make it an attractive per-channel alternative to analog multiplexing for many data acquisition applications. True differential input and reference allow measurement of bridge type transducers such as load cells, strain gauges and temperature transducers.
● Zero integrator cycle for fast recovery from input overloads
● Eliminates cross-talk in multiplexed systems
● Sign magnitude coding format
● True differential signal input and differential reference input
● No zero adjustment needed
● TTL Compatible, byte organized tri-state outputs