The STSPIN250 is a single brush DC motor driver integrating a low Rds(ON) power stage in a small VFQFPN 3 x 3 mm package.
●The full-bridge implements a PWM current controller with fixed OFF time.
●The device is designed to operate in battery-powered scenarios and can be forced in a zero-consumption state allowing a significant increase in battery life.
●The device offers a complete set of protection features including overcurrent, overtemperature and short-circuit protection.
●Key Features
● Operating voltage from 1.8 to 10 V
● Maximum output current 2.6 Arms with OUTAx paralled to OUTBx
● RDS(ON) HS + LS = 0.2 Ω typ.
● Current control with programmable off-time
● Full protection set
● Non-dissipative overcurrent protection
● Short-circuit protection
● Thermal shutdown
● Energy saving and long battery life with standby consumption less than 80 nA