The STP08CP05TTR is a 8-bit power monolithic low voltage/low current Shift Register designed for LED panel displays. It contains an 8-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register that feeds an 8-bit D-type storage register. In the output stage, eight regulated current sources were designed to provide 5 to 100mA constant current to drive the LEDs, the output current setup time is 11ns (typical), thus improving the system performance. It is backward compatible in functionality and footprint with STP8C/L596. Through an external resistor, users can adjust the STP08CP05 output current, controlling in this way the light intensity of LEDs, in addition, user can adjust LEDs brightness intensity from 0% to 100% via OE pin. The STP08CP05 guarantees a 20V output driving capability, allowing users to connect more LEDs in series. The high clock frequency, 30MHz, also satisfies the system requirement of high volume data transmission.
● 8 Constant-current output channels
● Adjustable output current through external resistor
● Serial data-in/parallel data-out
● 3.3V Micro driver-able
● 2.5kV HBM and 200V MM ESD protection