STM3240GPRIMER is a complete Primer ready to use from Raisonance for easy evaluation and development with STM32F429ZI MCU. They include everything that users need to better understand the STM32 peripheral implementation and operation. The EvoPrimer base has a removable transparent cover and USB cable which includes features such as the debugging/programming interface and most of the hardware features that user need to evaluate the capabilities of the target MCU. The base can also be extended by using its add on connector to add components and circuitry. The EvoPrimer target board include the target MCU and may also include additional hardware features for target MCU evaluation. The complete evaluation tools for the STM32 microcontroller consist of an EvoPrimer base with the relevant EvoPrimer target board. The Primers uses Ride7 software toolset which drives the hardware and offers a full range of project management, source code editing and debugging features from an intuitive GUI.
● In circuit debugging/programming via dedicated USB connection to the host PC
● Evaluation features including USB connector and MEMs sensor
● Comprehensive development software and Ergonomic design
● MEMs based controls
● Touch screen TFT display, colour LCD
● Li ion battery with charge management circuit
● Add on connector for extension boards with USART, SPI, I2C and analogue/digital I/Os
● STM32F429ZI MCU with 2MB Flash