The SN55115 and SN75115 dual differential line receivers are designed to sense small differential signals in the presence of large common-mode noise. These devices give TTL-compatible output signals as a function of the differential input voltage. The open-collector output configuration permits the wire-ANDing of similar TTL outputs (such as SN5401/SN7401) or other SN55115/SN75115 line receivers. This permits a level of logic to be implemented without extra delay.
●The output stages are similar to TTL totem-pole outputs, but with sink outputs, 1YS and 2YS, and the corresponding active pullup terminals, 1YP and 2YP, available on adjacent package pins. The frequency response and noise immunity may be provided by a single external capacitor. A strobe input is provided for each channel. With the strobe in the low level, the receiver is disabled and the outputs are forced to a high level.
●The SN55115 is characterized for operation over the full military temperature range of -55°C to 125°C. The SN75115 is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C.
●H = VI >= VIH min or VID more positive than VT+ max L = VI <= VIL max or VID more negative thanVT- max X = irrelevant
● Choice of Open-Collector or Active Pullup (Totem-Pole) Outputs
● Single 5-V Supply
● Differential Line Operation
● Dual-Channel Operation
● TTL Compatible
● ±15-V Common-Mode Input Voltage Range
● Optional-Use Built-In 130-Line-
●Terminating Resistor
● Individual Frequency-Response Controls
● Individual Channel Strobes
● Designed for Use With SN55113, SN75113, SN55114, and SN75114 Drivers
● Designed to Be Interchangeable With National DS9615 Line Receivers