General Description
●The RTL8201CP is a single-chip/single-port PHYceiver with an MII (Media Independent Interface)/SNI (Serial Network Interface). It implements all 10/100M Ethernet Physical-layer functions including the Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS), Physical Medium Attachment (PMA), Twisted Pair Physical Medium Dependent Sublayer (TP-PMD), with an auto crossover detectionfunction, 10Base-Tx Encoder/Decoder, and Twisted-Pair Media Access Unit (TPMAU).
●The Realtek RTL8201CP is a Fast Ethernet PHYceiver with selectableMII or SNI interface to the MAC chip. It provides the following features:
●Pin-to-pin compatible with the RTL8201BL
●Supports MII and 7-wireSNI (Serial Network Interface)
●10/100Mbps operation
●Full/half duplex operation
●Twisted pair or fiber mode output
●Supports power down mode
●Supports operation under Link Down Power Saving mode
●Supports Base Line Wander (BLW) compensation
●Supports auto crossover detection(new RTL8201CP function)
●Supports repeater mode
●Adaptive Equalization
●Network status LEDs
●Flow control support
●25MHz crystal/oscillator as clock source
●IEEE 802.3/802.3u compliant
●Supports IEEE 802.3u clause 28; 1.8V operation with 3.3V IO signal tolerance
●Low dual power supply, 1.8V and 3.3V; 1.8V is generated by an internal regulator
●0.18µm CMOS process
●48-pin LQFP package