The PTN04050A is an adjustable output, positive-to-negative, integrated switching regulator. In new designs, it should be considered in place of the PT5020 series of positive-to-negative integrated switching regulator products. The PTN04050A is smaller and lighter than its predecessor, with improved electrical performance characteristics, while operating over a wider input voltage range, with an adjustable output voltage. The caseless, double-sided package also exhibits improved thermal characteristics, and is compatible with TI"s roadmap for RoHS and lead-free compliance.
●Operating from a wide-input voltage range of 2.9 V to 7 V, the PTN04050A provides high-efficient, positive-to-negative voltage conversion for loads of up to 6 W. The output voltage is set using a single external resistor, and may be set to any value within the range, -15 V to -3.3 V.
●The PTN04050A features include on/off inhibit, undervoltage lockout, over-current protection, and is suited for a wide variety of general-purpose applications that operate off 3.3-V or 5-V input.