The PIC18LF6722-I/PT is an Enhanced Flash Microcontroller with 10-bit A/D and nanoWatt technology. Ideal for large low power (nanoWatt) and connectivity applications that benefit from the availability of four serial ports of double synchronous serial ports (I²C™ and SPI™) and double asynchronous (LIN capable) serial ports. Large amounts of RAM memory for buffering and flash program memory make it ideal for instrumentation panels, TCP/IP enabled embedded applications as well as metering, industrial control and monitoring applications. The PIC18F6722 have 128kB of flash memory and can store up to 65536 single-word instructions.
● Power management - Run, idle and sleep modes
● Flexible oscillator structure - Four crystal modes, up to 40MHz and internal oscillator block
● Peripheral - Three programmable external interrupts and four input change interrupts
● 100 years Typical flash/data EEPROM retention
● Self-programmable under software control
● Priority levels for interrupts
● Extended watchdog timer (WDT)
● Single-supply 5V In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™) via two pins
● In-Circuit Debug (ICD) via two pins
●ESD sensitive device, take proper precaution while handling the device.