The PIC16F690-I/SO is a 8-bit/20-pin Flash-based CMOS Microcontroller with nanoWatt technology. The low pin-count (20) PIC® flash microcontroller products offer all of the advantages of the well recognized mid-range x14 architecture with standardized features including a wide operating voltage of 2 to 5.5V, on-board EEPROM data memory and nanoWatt technology. Standard analogue peripherals include up to 12-channels of 10-bit A/D, an analogue comparator module with two comparators, programmable on-chip voltage reference and an enhanced capture/compare/PWM (ECCP+) w/dead band delay, auto-shutdown and restart options. The oscillator module has a wide variety of clock sources and selection features that allow it to be used in a wide range of applications while maximizing performance and minimizing power consumption.
● 256-byte EEPROM data memory
● Extended WDT
● MPLAB® ICD 2 programming support or debugging support with optional header adapter
● SSP with I²C™ compatible address mask option
● EUSART LIN 2.0 Compatible
● ECCP+ with PWM steering
● 12 A/D Channels
● Power-saving sleep mode
● Power-on reset (POR)
● Power-up timer (PWRTE) and oscillator start-up timer (OST)
● Brown-out reset (BOR) with software control option
● Multiplexed master clear/input pin
● Programmable code protection
●ESD sensitive device, take proper precaution while handling the device.