The PCM5102PW is a 112dB stereo Digital to Analogue Converter with 2VRMS output and integrated audio PLL. The PCM510x provides 2.1VRMS ground centred outputs, allowing designers to eliminate DC blocking capacitors on the output, as well as external muting circuits traditionally associated with single supply line drivers. The integrated line driver surpasses all other charge-pump based line drivers by supporting loads down to 1kR. By supporting loads down to 1kR, the PCM510x can essentially drive up to 10 products in parallel, such as an LCD TV, DVDR, AV receivers and other devices. The integrated PLL on the device removes the requirement for a system clock (commonly known as master clock), allowing a 3-wire I2S connection and reducing system EMI.
● Market-leading low out-of-band noise
● Digital-filter latency and performance
● Integrated negative charge pump
● Internal pop-free control for sample-rate changes or clock halts
● Intelligent muting system, soft up or down ramp and analogue mute
● Integrated high-performance audio PLL with BCK reference to generate SCK internally
● Green product and no Sb/Br
●This IC can be damaged by ESD. We recommend that all ICs be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.