The OPA551x devices are low-cost operational amplifiers with high-voltage (60-V) and high-current (200-mA) capability.
●The OPA551 is unity-gain stable and features high slew rate (15 V/µs) and wide bandwidth (3 MHz). The OPA552 is optimized for gains of 5 or greater, and offers higher speed with a slew rate of 24 V/µs and a bandwidth of 12 MHz. Both devices are suitable for telephony, audio, servo, and test applications.
●These laser-trimmed, monolithic integrated circuits provide excellent low-level accuracy along with high output swing. High performance is maintained as the amplifier swings to its specified limits.
●The OPA55x devices are internally protected against overtemperature conditions and current overloads. The thermal shutdown indicator flag provides a current output to alert the user when thermal shutdown has occurred.
●The OPA55x devices are available in PDIP-8 and SOIC-8 packages, as well as a DDPAK-7/TO-263 surface-mount plastic power package. They are specified for operation over the extended industrial temperature range, 40°C to +125°C.