The NLAST4051DTR2G is an Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer, fabricated in sub-micron silicon gate CMOS technology for lower RDS(on) resistance and improved linearity with low current. This device may be operated either with a single supply or dual supply up to ±3V to pass a 6Vpp signal without coupling capacitors. When operating in single supply mode, it is only necessary to tie VEE, pin 7 to ground. For dual supply operation, VEE is tied to a negative voltage, not to exceed maximum ratings. Translation is provided in the device, the Address and Inhibit are standard TTL level compatible.
● Improved RDS(on) specifications
● Pin for pin replacement for MAX4051 and MAX4051A
● One half the resistance operating at 5V
● Address and inhibit logic are over-voltage tolerant and may be driven up +6V regardless of VCC
● Address and inhibit pins standard TTL compatible
● True TTL compatibility VIL = 0.8 V, VIH = 2.0 V
● Green product and no Sb/Br