The NCV47822 dual channel High Side Switch (HSS) with 250 mA per channel is designed for use in harsh automotive environments. The device has a high peak input voltage tolerance and reverse input voltage, reverse bias, overcurrent and overtemperature protections. The integrated current sense feature (adjustable by resistor connected to CSO pin for each channel) provides diagnosis and system protection functionality. The CSO pin output current creates voltage drop across CSO resistor which is proportional to output current of each channel. Extended diagnostic features in OFF state are also available and controlled by dedicated input and output pins.
●Features | | Benefits
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● Two Independent Enable Inputs (3.3 V Logic Compatible)
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● Save battery life - quiescent current down to 10µA max.
● Adjustable Current Limits: up to 350 mA
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● Current sense feature provides diagnosis and system protection functionality.
● Diagnostic Features: Short to Battery and Open Load detection in OFF State Internal Components for OFF State Diagnostics Open Collector Flag Output
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● Provide diagnosis and system protection functionality.
● Output Current per Channel: up to 250 mA
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● Protection: Current Limitation, Thermal Shutdown, Reverse Input Voltage
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