The NCS2220A is an industry first sub-one volt, low power dual comparator. This device consumes only 7.5 µA per comparator of supply current typically. It is guaranteed to operate at a low voltage of 0.85 V which allows it to be used in systems that require less than 1.0 V and is fully operation up to 6.0 V which makes it convenient for use in both 3.0 V and 5.0 V systems. Additional features include no output phase inversion with overdriven inputs, internal hysteresis, which allows for clean output switching, and rail-to-rail input and output performance.
●Features | | Benefits
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● Operating Voltage of 0.85 V to 6.0 V
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● Provides wide power supply flexibilty
● Rail-to-rail Input/Output Performance
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● Improves signal to noise ratio
● Low Supply Current of 7.5 A (typ)per comparator
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● Ideal for portable equipment
● No Phase Inversion/Glitchless transitioning in or out of Tri-State Mode
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● Robust performance
● Complementary Output Configuration
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● Compatible with standard logic levels