The MOC3081M, MOC3082M and MOC3083M devices consist of a GaAs infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a monolithic silicon detector performing the function of a zero voltage crossing bilateral triac driver.They are designed for use with a discrete power triac in the interface of logic systems to equipment powered from 240 VAC lines, such as solid-state relays, industrial controls, motors, solenoids and consumer appliances, etc.
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● Simplifies Logic Control of 240 VAC Power
● Zero Voltage Crossing to Minimize Conducted and Radiated Line Noise
● 800 V Peak Blocking Voltage
● Superior Static dv/dt
● 1500 V/μs Typical, 600 V/μs Guaranteed
● Safety and Regulatory Approvals
● UL1577, 4,170 VACRMS for 1 Minute
● DIN EN/IEC60747-5-5