The MIC5801YN is an 8bit parallel input latched driver in 22 pin DIP package. This high voltage, high current device is comprised of eight CMOS data latches, bipolar darlington transistor driver for each latch and CMOS control circuitry for common CLEAR, STROBE and OUTPUT ENABLE functions. The bipolar/MOS combination provides an extremely low power latch with maximum interface flexibility. The CMOS inputs are compatible with standard CMOS, PMOS and NMOS circuits. TTL or DTL circuits may require the use of appropriate pull up resistors. The MIC5801YN has greatly improved data input rate. It will typically operate better than 5MHz with 5V supply and significantly higher speed with 12V supply.
● 4.4MHz minimum data input rate
● High voltage, current sink outputs
● Continuous collector current (Ic) of 500mA
● Output transient protection
● Internal pull down resistors
● Low power CMOS latches
● Output voltage (VCE) of 50V
● Supply voltage (VDD) of 15V
● Package power dissipation of 2.5W
● Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C