The MAX931CUA+ is an ultra low power, low cost single comparator in 8 pin µMAX package. This low voltage micropower comparator continuously sources up to 40mA current and the unique output stage eliminates crowbar glitches during output transitions. This makes this device immune to parasitic feedback (which can cause instability) and provides excellent performance even when circuit board layout is not optimal. Internal hysteresis in this device provides the easiest method for implementing hysteresis. It also produces faster hysteresis action and consumes much less current than circuits using external positive feedback. It is used in threshold detectors, window comparators, oscillator circuits and alarm circuits.
● Supply voltage range from 2.5V to 11V, ±1.25V to ±5.5V
● Operating temperature range from 0°C to 70°C
● Internal 1.182V ±2% bandgap reference
● Adjustable internal hysteresis
● Input voltage range includes negative supply
● TTL/CMOS compatible outputs
● No switching crowbar current, propagation delay (10mV overdrive) is 12µs
● Space saver