The MAX7044AKA+T is a 300MHz to 450MHz high efficiency, crystal based +13dBm ASK transmitter in 8 pin SOT-23 package. This crystal-referenced phase-locked-loop (PLL) VHF/UHF transmitter is designed to transmit OOK/ASK data in 300MHz to 450MHz frequency range. It supports data rates up to 100Kbps and provides output power up to +13dBm into a 50 ohm load while only drawing 7.7mA at 2.7V. Crystal based architecture of IC eliminates many of common problems with SAW based transmitter by providing greater modulation depth, faster frequency settling, higher tolerance of transmit frequency and reduced temperature dependence. A simple, single input data interface and a buffered clock-out signal at 1/16th crystal frequency makes MAX7044 compatible with almost any microcontroller or code hopping generator. It is used in remote keyless entry (RKE), tire pressure monitoring (TPM), garage door openers, wireless game consoles, wireless computer peripherals, wireless sensors & RF remote controls.
● Supply voltage range is 2.1V to 3.6V
● Operating temperature range from -40°C to 125°C
● Modulation depth of 90dB
● TON time, 220µs at oscillator settled to within 50KHz & 450µs at oscillator settled to within 5KHz
● Maximum input current is 10µA
● Pull-down current is 10µA