The MAX660CSA+T is a CMOS monolithic voltage converter in 8 pin NSOIC package. The MAX660 capacitive charge-pump circuit either inverts or doubles the input voltage. Using only two low cost capacitors, the charge pump"s 100mA output replaces switching regulators eliminating inductors and its associated cost, size and EMI. Greater than 90% efficiency over most of its load-current range combined with a typical operating current of only 120µA provides ideal performance for both battery-powered and board level voltage conversion applications. The MAX660 can also double the output voltage of an input power supply or battery, providing +9.35V at 100mA from a +5V input. A frequency control (FC) pin selects either 10KHz typ or 80KHz typ (40KHz min) operation to optimize capacitor size and quiescent current. The oscillator frequency can also be adjusted with an external capacitor or driven with an external clock. The MAX660 is a pin compatible, high-current upgrade of the ICL7660.
● Operating supply voltage range from 3V to 5.5V (inverter, LV=open) & 2.5V to 5.5V(doubler, LV=OUT)
● 0.65V typical loss at 100mA load
● Output impedance of 6.5ohm
● ROUT is less than 15ohm for C1 = C2 = 10µF
● Selectable oscillator frequency of 10KHz/80KHz
● 88% typical conversion efficiency at 100mA (IL to GND)