The LT1678IS8#PBF is a dual rail-to-rail precision Operational Amplifier offering both low noise and precision, 3.9nV/√Hz wideband noise, 1/f corner frequency of 4Hz and 90nV peak-to-peak 0.1 to 10Hz noise are combined with outstanding precision, 100µV maximum offset voltage, greater than 100dB common mode and power supply rejection and 20MHz gain bandwidth product. The LT1678 brings precision as well as low noise to single supply applications as low as 3V. The input range exceeds the power supply by 100mV with no phase inversion while the output can swing to within 170mV of either rail. A full set of matching specifications are also provided, facilitating its use in matching dependent applications such as a two operational amplifier instrumentation amplifier design. The LT1678 is specified for supply voltages of ±15V, single 5 as well as single 3V.
● Rail-to-rail input and output
● 100% Tested low voltage noise (3.9nV/√Hz typical and 5.5nV/√Hz maximum at 1kHz)
● Single-supply operation
● 100µV Maximum offset voltage
● Low input bias current (20nA maximum)
● High AVOL (3V/µV minimum, RL = 10k)
● High CMRR (100dB minimum)
● High PSRR (106dB minimum)
● 20MHz Gain bandwidth product
● Matching specifications
● No phase inversion