The LPC4322JET100E is an ARM Cortex-M4 based microcontrollers for embedded applications which include an ARM Cortex-M0 coprocessor. The ARM Cortex-M4 is a next generation 32-bit core that offers system enhancements such as low power consumption, enhanced debug features, and a high level of support block integration. The ARM Cortex-M4 CPU incorporates a 3-stage pipeline, uses a Harvard architecture with separate local instruction and data buses as well as a third bus for peripherals, and includes an internal prefetch unit that supports speculative branching.
● Running at frequencies of up to 204 MHz
● Built-in Memory Protection Unit supporting eight regions
● Built-in Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller
● Hardware floating-point unit.
● Non-maskable Interrupt input
● JTAG and Serial Wire Debug, serial trace, eight breakpoints, and four watch points.
● System tick timer
● Serial GPIO interface.
● State Configurable Timer subsystem on AHB.
● External Memory Controller supporting external SRAM, ROM, NOR flash, and SDRAM devices.
● Secure Digital Input Output (SD/MMC) card interface
● Crystal oscillator with an operating range of 1 MHz to 25 MHz