The LP339D is a quad low-power general purpose Differential Comparator designed specifically to operate from a single power supply and typically to draw 60µA drain current over a wide range of voltages. Operation from split power supplies is also possible and the ultralow power supply drain current is independent of the power supply voltage. The LP339 is specifically designed to interface with the CMOS logic family. The ultra-low power-supply current makes these products desirable in battery-powered applications. The LP339 is characterized for operation from 0 to 70°C.
● 60µA Ultra-low power supply current drain
● Common-mode input voltage includes ground
● Output voltage compatible with MOS and CMOS logic
● High output sink-current capability
● Power supply input reverse-voltage protected
● Single-power-supply operation
● Pin-for-Pin-compatible with LM239, LM339, LM2901
● Green product and no Sb/Br