The LP2951DR is a bipolar low-dropout Voltage Regulator that can accommodate a wide input supply-voltage range of up to 30 V. The easy-to-use, 8-pin LP2951 is an adjustable output from the same device. By tying the OUTPUT and SENSE pins together and the FEEDBACK and VTAP pins together, the LP2951 outputs a fixed 5/3.3/3V. Alternatively, by leaving the SENSE and VTAP pins open and connecting FEEDBACK to an external resistor divider, the output can be set to any value between 1.235 to 30V. The 8-pin LP2951 device also offers additional functionality that makes it particularly suitable for battery-powered applications. For example, a logic-compatible shutdown feature allows the regulator to be put in standby mode for power savings. In addition, there is a built-in supervisor reset function in which the ERROR output goes low when VOUT drops by 6% of its nominal value for whatever reasons - due to a drop in VIN, current limiting or thermal shutdown.
● Can be used as a regulator or reference
● Current and thermal-limiting
● Stable with low ESR (>12mR) capacitors
● Low-voltage error signal on falling output
● Shutdown capability
● Remote sense capability for optimal output regulation and accuracy
● 0.03% Tight line regulation
● 0.04% Tight load regulation