The LM7321MFE is a single high output current Operational Amplifier with rail-to-rail input and output. The LM732xx family is efficient, achieving 18V/µs slew rate and 20MHz unity gain bandwidth while requiring only 1mA of supply current per op amp. The LM732xx device performance is fully specified for operation at 2.7V, ±5 and ±15V. The LM732xx device is designed to drive unlimited capacitive loads without oscillations. Greater than rail-to-rail input common-mode voltage range with 50dB of common-mode rejection across this wide voltage range, allows both high-side and low-side sensing. Most device parameters are insensitive to power supply voltage and this makes the parts easier to use where supply voltage may vary, such as automotive electrical systems and battery powered equipment. This amplifier has true rail-to-rail output and can supply a respectable amount of current (15mA) with minimal head-room from either rail (300mV) at low distortion (0.05% THD+noise).
● Capacitive load tolerance unlimited
● Input common-mode voltage of 0.3V beyond rails
● +65/-100mA Output current
● 15nV/√Hz Input voltage noise
● 1.3pA/√Hz Input current noise
● 1.1mA/channel Supply current
● -86dB Distortion THD+noise
● Green product and no Sb/Br